Welcome to Astrology Schoolwith Dr Michael Lennox

Begin your cosmic journey with Astrology 101, where you’ll learn the essentials. Then delve deeper with our advanced courses, focusing on the transformative transits of Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus. Under Dr. Lennox’s guidance, discover how these planetary movements impact personal growth and life’s key moments. Embark on this enlightening path to unearth the secrets of the stars!

Interested in Getting Started?

The Signs as an Archetypal Community

If you are brand new to astrology, register below for a 35 minute video that will introduce you to the archetypal community which are the signs of the zodiac.  And if you are already familiar with the signs, this will introduce you to my teaching style.

Astrology 101

Module 1 - The True Meaning of Signs

Astrology is not your Sun sign. In order to step into the study of astrology, you need have an understanding of what an archetype is, and then be introduced to the 12 archetypes in western astrology. You will meet this comprehensive community and see what gifts they each bring to the table.

Module 2 - The Houses, Elements and Modalities

In this module, we will continue our exploration of the signs, including the glyphs that represent them. Each sign has different energy, and we’ll explore what are known as elements and modalities. As we deepen our exploration of the signs, we discover that they give meaning to each of the 12 Houses.

Module 3 - The Planets and Their Rulers

In this module, we will continue our exploration of the signs, including the glyphs that represent them. Each sign has different energy, and we’ll explore what are known as elements and modalities. As we deepen our exploration of the signs, we discover that they give meaning to each of the 12 Houses.

Module 4 - Angles and Aspects

In this module, we will continue our exploration of the signs, including the glyphs that represent them. Each sign has different energy, and we’ll explore what are known as elements and modalities. As we deepen our exploration of the signs, we discover that they give meaning to each of the 12 Houses.

Module 5 – Basic Chart Structure

Overview and review of the structure of the natal chart. This module will also cover general astrological principles such as the different House systems in astrology, the reset to zero degrees of Aries at the Vernal Equinox and more.

Module 6 - Interpreting the Natal Chart Part One

You now have all of the information you need. This class will focus on establishing the rising sign, house structure, interceptions, and the balance of modalities and elements.

Module 7 - Interpreting the Natal Chart Part Two

We continue the process of understanding the natal chart by exploring the chart ruler, retrograde planets in the chart, and how to work with the signs that your planets are in.

Module 8 - Interpreting the Natal Chart Part Three

We finish up with the personal triangle of Sun, Moon, and Rising, the astrological dignities, working with no birth time, how to work with horoscopes, and major planet placements in specific houses.

Working with the Lunar Cycle

Working with the Lunar Cycle

Early humans looked up at the Sun and the Moon, and such was the beginning of people attempting to find their place in a vast, mysterious Universe.

This class is designed to work with all levels, and will set you up for a powerful practice working with the lunar cycle each month.

Advanced Astrology

These 2-3 hour masterclasses are designed for more advanced students.

Advanced Astrology: Introduction to Transits Level 1

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

The time has come to take your use of astrology to the next level.  You already have a basic grasp of your natal chart, but you are ready to start working at a more individual level.  To do that, you have to learn how to work with the moving planets, and how their movement impacts your natal chart.

There are structural elements to astrology, and we begin there, starting with translating your understanding of aspects into transits. Then we explore the luminaries, and how the Moon is the integrating body, while the movement of the Sun reflects our conscious awareness.

Join me for three Masterclasses where we will:

  • Explore the difference between aspects in chart, and transiting planets
  • Learn how the Moon downloads change into our psyche
  • Understand how the Sun’s movement impacts the natal chart

Advanced Astrology: Working with Chiron

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Chiron is not actually from our solar system; he is a fly-by that got grabbed by our Sun’s gravity, and he is now part of the solar system, and a staple in Western Astrology. Known as the Wounded Healer, Chiron in mythology was a Centaur who offers the wisdom needed to heal wounds, and understand how to work with life’s mysteries.

In fact, Chiron operates in two distinct ways. Some of his transits will bring a potentially painful experience of revisiting wounds in order to transform them. But when the geometry is easier, Chiron’s movement can reflect our becoming more masterful with the alchemy of life.

Join me for a masterclass in all things Chiron, where we will:

  • Explore the distinction between Chiron’s two modes.
  • Chiron through the houses in the natal chart.
  • Learn to work with Chiron transits.
  • Understand the power of Chiron return.
  • This class has been pre-recorded and is available for an exchange of $99.

Advanced Astrology: Mars in Retrograde

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Mars will hit 17-degrees of Cancer on October 5th, and will spend the next 5 months crossing back and forth between Cancer and Leo when he usually spends 6 weeks in a sign.

This is going to be a transformative cycle, and a game changer when it comes to your embodiment.  Mars reflects how we make choices and decisions, how we relate to work, projects, and goals, the ways we care for our body in terms of health and fitness, and of course how anger moves through you.

Over these five months, everything is subject to change in the world of how you embody your approach to everything you choose to do.  I want to help guide you through this process so that you might take full advantage of what the next five months have to offer.

In his 2–3-hour Masterclass on Mars, we will dive into:

  • The basics and structure of any Mars retrograde.
  • The specific energetic impact of Mars’ retrograde in Leo and Cancer.
  • How to work with your desires to make more things happen in your life.
  • The impact of the “triple transits” that Mars will make.
  • Key dates to understand the rhythm of the cycle.
  • Personal impact based on the house in your chart ruled by Leo or Cancer.

Advanced Astrology: Venus in Retrograde

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Venus is in Pisces right now, the sign of all potential.  In early February, she will cross the most sensitive point in the entire zodiac.  The last degree of Pisces moving into the 0-degree of Aries is known as the birth canal of the zodiac.  Anything you desire to create follows this pattern of formlessness into form.

This is a tremendous opportunity to manifest love in all forms.  Venus is all about the emotional body, processing our feelings, but most importantly this is the planet through which we enjoy intimacy and deep connections with others.

This retro cycle can not only make us better at receiving love, it may be the very thing needed to manifest the love you have always wanted.  You can increase prosperity with a Venus retrograde as well, so keep that in mind as an intention for this transformative cycle.

In this 2-hour Masterclass on Venus, we will dive into:

  • The basics and structure of any Venus retrograde.
  • Venus in Pisces and Aries crossing the birth canal of the zodiac.
  • How to work with relationship manifestation using this cycle to attract love.
  • The impact of the “triple transits” that Venus will make.
  • Key dates to understand the rhythm of the cycle.
  • Personal impact based on the house in your chart ruled by Pisces and Aries.

Advanced Astrology: Saturn Transits

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Most budding astrologers know all about the Saturn return, but there is also the Saturn Opposition and the two Saturn Squares we must know how to work with. Working with Saturn through the houses is key to understanding how your karmic contract is playing out year by year. Join me for a masterclass on this staple of astrology, and take your understanding to a higher level.

In this masterclass on Saturn, we will dive into:

  • All things Saturn, his orbit, retrogrades and archetypal meaning.
  • The power and importance of the Saturn Returns.
  • The Full 30-year Saturn orbit and how Saturn transits impact a chart.
  • The importance of Saturn through the houses.
  • How to work with Saturn transits day to day.
  • This class has been pre-recorded and is available for an exchange of $99.

Advanced Astrology: Uranus Transits

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Uranus is the agent of change that happens suddenly and unexpectedly. Since life itself is all about learning, growing, and changing and transforming over and over again, as an astrologer, you must know how to work with each of these planets with a level of mastery. The idea of having spiritual awakenings connects to Uranus, and Uranus transits tend to have leave us transformed and upgraded.

In this masterclass on Uranus, we will dive into:

  • Dive into all things Uranus, and fast change.
  • Awakenings through life through Uranus as a focal point.
  • Uranus as the life cycle planet, with his 84-year orbit.
  • How Uranus works with all of the major transits.
  • This class has been pre-recorded and is available for an exchange of $99.

Advanced Astrology: Neptune Transits

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Neptune represents how we connect to all the gifts of the unconscious. Ruler of Pisces, this outer planet is what allows us to develop and expand our spiritual practice, but is also the planet where creative inspiration and the gifts of imagination come through our experience. But the shadow artifact of confusion, delusion, and lack of clarity clouds our ability to move through the world in a grounded way.

In this masterclass on Neptune, we will dive into:

  • Dive into all things Neptune, including transits and life cycles
  • Clarify what it really means when Neptune is direct/retrograde
  • How Neptune connects us to spirit and creative inspiration
  • Explore the possibilities of Neptune’s ingress into Aries in 2025
  • This class has been pre-recorded and is available for an exchange of $99.

Advanced Astrology: Pluto Transits

A Masterclass with Dr. Michael Lennox

Pluto represents changes that are slow, deep, and completely transformative. Known as The Lord of the Underworld, it is through Pluto that we understand power and authority, deep change and transformation, and how to work with the shadow. Pluto transits can reflect some of the most profound moments of change that take us all the way down to death, and the rebirth that follow all deaths.

In this masterclass on Pluto, we will dive into:

  • Dive into all things Pluto and slow transformation.
  • Explore the value of change at the level of death and rebirth.
  • Pluto moving through the houses.
  • How Pluto works with all of the major transits.
  • This class has been pre-recorded and is available for an exchange of $99.


After completing your purchase, you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to access Astrology School.

Forever. These classes will be available through the recordings to all current and future students in perpetuity.


Yes, there are handouts and worksheets to utilize. Upon registration you will receive a link to all documents.


The only promotional codes available are for people who purchased Dr. Michael’s previous Astrology 101 course from years ago. There are no general discounts available at this time.

Please reach out to Dr. Michael’s administrative team at support@michaellennox.com for customer support. Please do NOT reach out with customer service requests through the Facebook group or any other social media platforms.